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6 Steps To a Successful Closet Purge: A Guide

A woman sorting through clothes. She is trying to decide what to keep and what to give away.

As seasons change, so do our wardrobes. The end of one season provides the perfect opportunity to clear out the old and make space for the new–ensuring your closet is not only organized but also aligns with your current lifestyle and preferences. 

But the change of seasons isn’t the only time to consider a closet purge. Another excellent time to purge your closet is when you get ready to sell your home. Instead of packing away more items than necessary–get rid of them before you move. A new home allows for a start fresh, so don’t bring anything you’re better off without. 

This guide will take you through six detailed steps to effectively purge your wardrobe. Let’s create a closet space that reflects your best self and where you are now in life!

Step 1: Plan Your Closet Purge

Time Allocation: 

Set aside at least three to four hours for this activity. Choose a day and time when you are least likely to be interrupted. Consider doing this over a weekend or on a day off to ensure you can focus without rush.


Make your space comfortable and practical. Play some music, have a drink nearby, and ensure good lighting. Gather a few boxes or bags for sorting items into categories like 'keep', 'donate', 'sell', and 'recycle'.

Step 2: Categorize Your Wardrobe


Start by emptying your closet. Place items into broad categories such as tops, pants, outerwear, shoes, and accessories. This visual separation allows you to tackle one category at a time and gives you a clear overview of what you have.


Within each category, sort further if necessary (e.g., formal vs. casual, seasonal).

Organization Tips: 

Use this opportunity to consider adding organizers like shelf dividers, boxes, or hanging organizers for the future maintenance of these categories.

Step 3: Evaluate Each Item

Fit and Flattery:

Try on items you haven't worn in a while. Check how they fit and whether they flatter your current shape and style.

Usage and Joy:

Apply the "joy check" by asking yourself if each item makes you happy or is useful in your current life. If not, it’s time to let it go.

Emotional Attachment:

Acknowledge emotional ties to certain garments, but be practical about whether they serve your current needs or just take up valuable space.

Step 4: Assess Quality and Condition

Item Condition: 

Examine each piece for signs of wear and tear such as stains, holes, or faded colors. Decide if they are worth repairing.

Quality over Quantity: 

Consider the longevity and quality of items. Higher quality pieces might be worth keeping for their durability and timeless style.

Eco-friendly Disposal: 

Research how to dispose of items responsibly, focusing on recycling or donating items that are no longer wearable.

Step 5: Organize Disposal

Donation Options:

Identify local charities or organizations where you can donate gently used items. Some may offer pickup services.

Selling Tips: 

For items of higher value, consider selling them online, Facebook Marketplace, or at consignment stores to earn back some of your investment.

Recycling Protocols: 

Find textile recycling programs in your area to dispose of items that aren’t fit for donation or sale. But don’t hold onto them if these programs don’t exist around you. 

Step 6: Reassess Your Remaining Wardrobe

Inventory Needs: 

Note what types of items you are short on and what you have in excess. Make a shopping list for missing essentials.

Closet Reorganization:

Organize your remaining items neatly. Consider investing in uniform hangers and clear storage bins for a clean, organized look.

Seasonal Rotation:

If space allows, rotate clothes seasonally to keep your closet functional and manageable.

In Conclusion

Hopefully these steps have helped you accomplish your closet purge. You should come away with a well-organized and streamlined wardrobe that not only frees up space but also prepares you for the upcoming seasons with ease and style. Remember, maintaining a minimalist and organized closet is an ongoing process that requires periodic revisits. 

If you feel that you could benefit from a professionally organized closet, feel free to reach out. I am happy to refer you to someone who can assist you. And as always, if you have questions about this or any other real estate topics, I am happy to help–reach out and let’s have a quick chat. 



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